Friday, February 29, 2008

Simply put...paradise

For every time that I say I hate Alaska, it's times like today, that I realize that I could never really truly leave this place! Simply put... paradise!

We took Lady and Bear out to our favorite spot, Clam Gulch, and I have to say that we are quite proud of both of them, as they stayed near us and were both off the leash at the same time! it was a balmy day out, at a sweltering 30 degrees above zero. I couldn't seem to put my camera down...

The beach, it was a lot of fun trying to get from ice berg to berg without falling (to the amusement of on lookers, I sure) on our faces... special thanks goes to yak tracks.

But, when has the possibility of serious injury ever stumped adventure?

It's the closest thing to an igloo we could find..

Miah trying to climb the big rocks that are normally out in the water a bit.... climb Miah, CLIMB, quick, before the tide comes back in!!!

We even found evidence of an avalanche!!!! Okay, so it was a "mini" avalanche

THIS is what we climbed, well kind of slid/ tripped down in order to get to the beach...

Jeremiah slides to the next"hand grip"... sadly for him, I had the yak tracks..

Lady, in her prime... if I had to pick a picture that would describe lady, this one fits her to the "T"

Jeremiah works with her... off the leash!!!

We are very very proud of her!

We were a little "iffy" on letting BOTH Bear and Lady off the leash at the same time,
but they both knocked our socks off and stayed close by!
(not to mention, they had a great time chasing and playing with each other!

Lady, slowing down a bit... but still livin' it up!

Lady and Bear tearin' the beach up with a good old fashioned game of

Lady found something interesting... treasure? dead fish?

NOW I'm tired!!!

And that was the end of that adveture, for the day.... but who knows what we'll be up to next...
Catch you next time (we hope) have a great day, and Happy St. Patty's Day...( don't eat anything too green!:)

From the

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I don't just have pets, I have lovable agreeable stand up comics

Welcome back! Well... we have both been trying to recover from the bug that's been going around and I am definitely glad that it is on it's way out! So, in celebration of being able to breath out of both nostril again, we decided to have a little fun. As a result, I am still the undefeated champion of scrabble... it was sadly harder for us trying to play scrabble with no spelling source on hand... and it took ages! Hehe... though I have to give some credit to Miah for CZAR, he ALMOST beat me!!!

Our Lady Mutt doin' what she does best...


I think this is one of the best pictures of Bear... he's getting pretty big now, he's up to 60 pounds! And he's only seven months!!!!

And then there's the tougne!!! It's like those old cartoons... it just kind of hangs there it never ceases to crack us up!!!
Want to know why we don't have T.V.? Cause we have animals, in other words, cheap entertainment... So I wanted a picture with both of them together, more than ten feet apart... so Jeremiah went and got a cookie to bribe them with... it's sufice to say that it worked too well, if that cookie did so much as move a millimeter, they were both on it... I swear I have two bobble heads not mutts! So, here is the best picture I could get of the two of them!
Now I know that you guys are thinking that someone is missing here... we had fun with that clown of a conure too.... he just was too curious about the mason jar, and caught with his beak in the "cookie jar"
Bear looking cute gnawing away on his bone
Lady is "all ears"
Jeremiah making Bread bowls for the first time
The bread bowls turned out really well and were very tasty, and I made a yummy soup to go with them.
Lady and Bear wonder what's smells so tasty as they peek around the corner into the kitchen
Well, it's been pretty snowy and cold here in Alaska... but it's been warming up (we like above zero...)
but the dogs have done a good job of keeping us warm...

A few weeks ago we got to go with Miss katie and Becky for katie's first time skating...

And let me tell you, despite that she's an Alaskan, she definitely has a streak of Californian in her!

We all know where she gets it from though... (hint: look close at mom...)

No Jeremiah, try as you might, you aren't Californian...
Well, that's all folks (for now...) anyhoodles (hehe, I learned a new word...) Have a great weekend and keep warm from the:

Friday, February 15, 2008

A change of Sceanery

SOOOO, I have come to the conclusion that my husband ROCKS!!!! He worked for over an hour on getting the background image the way it is! Gotta love Photoshop Elements for the header! (that one was me) I am VERY excited! This new format will make way for some gorgeous Alaskan photos!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Well, anyhow, I will take some pics for you guys and get back on track with posting tonight! Take care and have a WONDERFUL friday:)

From the:

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