(Click on the picture to get a bigger version, SO worth it)

Hiya! Well, I almost couldn't find my own blog, it was covered in so much dust so, I figured it was time for an update. I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween. Jeremiah and I kidnapped the nephews and took them trick-or-treating. Speaking of which, I thought that I would share some Alaskan Halloween culture with you.
In "the states" or the "lower 48":
1)You walk from door to door...
2)The younger ones are followed closely by either mom or dad (on foot)
3) When thinking up a costume, the possibilities are endless
4)It's pretty warm out...
In Alaska:
1) You DRIVE from door to door...
2)The younger ones are usually followed closely by either mom or dad on foot, the one who is not on foot, is following in the car, keeping the heater going full blast so everyone can thaw out.
3) When thinking up a costume you have to calculate in that it's -5 out... how many layers can I fit under, or on top of it? Most of the little ones, all have the same costumes... warm fluffy coats, hats and gloves!
4) It's -5, there's snow on the ground! (And if there isn't than it's classified as a "heat wave")
Here are some pictures from our Halloween night:
Jeremiah keeps close watch as Zach and Ian walk back to the warm car after getting their loot
The police were out in full force, keeping all the trick-or-treaters safe Halloween night, by handing out glow sticks to the kids. I am so glad that our police forces are out in the community, it really lets the kids see them in a positive light.
We had a "devil" of a good time :) Hehe.
Jeremiah was a "grim reaper"... it was cute, watching him follow the kids around with the lantern...:)
AHHHH, I've been slimed!!!!
Zach (the ninja), Ian (The Commando )
The kids got TONS of loot!
I've got to share a funny story with you. Jeremiah and I told the nephews, that they could only have three pieces of candy each, after that, they had to wait until they could ask their parents. Zach is the oldest ( 8 years old), and Ian the the second oldest (6 years old), (Sorin, is the youngest who is two years old, but he stayed with mom and dad). After the kids had eaten a few pieces, we asked them how many they had each had, Zach said he had two... we then asked Ian how many he had eaten he replied "a few...", "how many's a few, Ian?" we asked, he said "a few...", his brother, Zach informed us that "Ian doesn't know how to count, he's only in Kindergarten". HAHAHAHA! We couldn't help but laugh, it was too cute!
Other news, I have joined the Fairbanks Community Band, and we had our first concert tonight.
We had technical issues with the video... the Christmas concert, we should have everything figured out.
Alaska's Flag
Flourish for Wind Band
Olympic Fanfare and Theme
Theme from Schindler's List
Raider's March
House of Horrors (I really liked this one!)
Haven Dance
Pirates of the Caribbean
These were the songs that we played.
Here are some pictures from our fall performance:
"Where's the rest of my section?" (I'm a true band geek!)
The flutes, had to point our instrument down when we played, it was a bit crowded on that stage....
That's all folks!:)
From The: