Monday, October 19, 2009

Hooked Bill Halloween Helper

Hey! Happy early Halloween.  The festivities are slowly taking place on our end, tonight, we carried on that looong tradition of carving pumpkins.  And our helper (Galen) did such a great job of making sure we didn’t miss anything! He loves to dig the pumpkin seeds out of the goo (didn’t like the goo so much though). We started with a design that I had picked, pretty simple (the eyes were carved backwards, oops) But, it’s still a great pumpkin. Here are the photos I managed to get in between the messy hands and fishing Galen out of the pumpkin.   I love the way that Galen (In this first pic, seems to be saying, “I am king of the pumpkin lol)  PA180098PA180101

(this is the pattern we were shooting for….) PA180105 PA180111

(Hmmm, Galen inspects to make sure all is going as planned, and does a taste test) 

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This next photo made me giggle, the only word that came to mind was “FOCUS!” lol…. 


Only Jeremiah could come up with this genius idea… men!


And here was the final result… I know it’s a sad pumpkin, but I’m not artsy (as most of you know…) Yes, I did help carve a fair part of my pumpkin… 


Well, have a great night! I’m off to bed.  More on our Halloween preparation later:)

From the Igloodwellerz

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Here we go…..

An update! Now I know you’ve all been hanging on the edge of your seats awaiting our next update! So without further ado…( please hold your applause) lol…. nah, hey again! I have a nice BIG looong update for you folks. 


We’ll start back in the summer, I  was slammed at work…, so there wasn’t much of a summer, which made me sad:( We only get 90 days of it… you blink and it’s –60 with snow and ice everywhere! However, what little we were able to do we had a lot of fun with.

Solstice is a big deal here, I mean a big huge deal here in Alaska! It’s almost as bad as Christmas… maybe worse in some cases.  This is the longest day of the year! Hubby and I drove out to the middle of nowhere looking at the sights, and scenery (of course with camera in hand!)

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  I loved the “sun set” (it was after 2 am!). The first two photo is the view looking over Fairbanks… and what a view!


On another note, Jeremiah’s brother Bill is another year older (don’t you hate it when that happens?) So, we took him out to Silver Gulch about 10 miles out of town, it’s a local brewery with delicious food!

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The glasses were more than 1/2 empty after the guys got through with them.  So, here’s one to another year Bill!


Next up was Jacob, Laura and Ben’s visit.  Jacob is Jeremiah’s older brother, he and his wife Laura have a 2 year old son, who has stolen our hearts and planted a smile on our faces! What a cutie (not that I’m biased or anything).  He kept using my shoe as a phone… goof! IMG_2060 IMG_1959 IMG_1985 IMG_1997 IMG_2045 IMG_2048 IMG_2053 IMG_2058

He loved playing dress up with Grandma and Grandpa’s hats and shoes.  The construction hat that he is wearing is his fathers from when he worked for Aleyeska Pipeline! Too cute! Let me tell you, that boy has some style! And an adorable personality to go along with it!


The other big happening here in Alaska is the fair! *gasp* yes, we have a fair! And I met Chad carpenter! *giggle*, I was at a loss for words (surprising isn’t it?)… he’s my favorite cartoonist, the one that I have a link to at the top of the page (the whistling wolf).  I even got a picture of him…. hehe.  I’m a dork, this fact is known.  And Jeremiah got his Gyros (none better than the fair, really, he doesn’t like any other.)   We went through the FFA section, and found some Alaskan Rabbits, those things would most likely be tiny without all of that fur! The photo of the goat leaning out of his pen, and the guy bent over in front of him makes me laugh, ohhh the captions that could transpire from that photo!

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I have more news, but that will have to wait for another post.  In the mean time, we miss you folks! Take care, and have a great night.

