Good to see you again!! Jeremiah and I made it back to civilization after our adventure; if you want to call Kenai "civilization". We had crept away from construction and horns for a camping trip. Jeremiah started digging things out of the basement only to find that our queen sized air mattress was (hopefully) still in Fairbanks at his parents. We had two choices, 1) drive ten hours; 2) settle for a matt *sigh*. So, hubby knowing that I love to shop sent me to Fred Meyers (like a Target store for those of you who have no idea what Fred Meyers is), I practically ran to the camping section, and low and behold all of the air mattresses were all on SALE. So, I scored a foot pump (I'll explain that later), and a queen sized air mattress for a grand total of: 27 BUCKS!!! Tell me I'm good! Anyways with a "cat got the canary" smile plastered on my face, I rushed home to help hubby finish packing. We loaded up the car (matches were remembered this time!), gathered up the mutt, and headed out to our favorite spot, Clam Gulch. We arrived at 10:00 pm, (you guys all know what a horrible procrastinator I am) and what did we find? A completely crowded campsite. Both Jeremiah and I had heard that Ninilchik (Alaska is worse than Washington with those weird names), was a better place to get clams anyways. Not knowing where the campsite and beach were, we drove on. We came accross a site that had just opened up two days prior.
Lady was so excited, there were so many other pups to play with, and tasty food cooking that must be for her. I think she was trying will a burger patty to jump out of the pan and land in front of her. With no avail she went back to begging.
Despite the fact that it was pretty cold, it was perfect. We even roasted a couple of marshmallows, by that time, I don't think any of us could feel our fingers or toes.
Finally we crashed for the night. Although, a certain mutt kept me awake, trying to sneak a bark here or there and trying to wake us up so she could go out and play with the loose dog that kept sniffing the tent. When we woke up the next morning, the wind was gone, the sky was blue and the view was gorgeous!

Jeremiah wanted some ice cream. so we hunted down the only Dairy Queen in the state of Alaska. It was a great treat, however to my dismay I found that not only did jeremiah have a nice sun burn, but my nose and cheeks had gotten a pretty good one as well.

We were pretty exhausted and thankful for a bed we didn't have to blow up. We had a blast and were Happy Clammers in the end. Our next adventure will take place next weekend when we head to Valdez for a couple of days to visit Jeremiah's folks. We hope that you have all had a fun and safe weekend and hope that this next week goes by quickly for you.
Good night from the Igloodwellerz.
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