You know those ideas that seem like such a good idea and then you find out the hard way that it wasn't such a good idea when it's too late???
We took Lady (the dog) over to the school to play. They have totally fenced (we thought) in tennis courts that we were going to let her off the leash and run around in... We got her in there and let go of the leash but kept it attached. She walked around a bit and then noticing that she was free started running, it was all good, until she found the fence door that was laying on the ground... now, our mutt is not dumb, she took one look at us as if to say "catch me if you can, suckers!"... and she was gone. Jeremiah took off after her (the leash was still trailing a couple feet behind her)... I followed (I am REALLY OUT OF SHAPE!), then turned around to go back to the jeep. She ran completely across the high school football field and the elementary school yard and parking lot. She ran across the street. I drove around to the other side of the schools and started looking for both the dog and husband, eventually I found them and caught Lady... Jeremiah had run a little over a mile.... apparently she thought this was GREAT fun and kept jeremiah in sight, but never let him get too close to catch her. They visited everyone's yard (she even drank out of some neighbors fountain) both front and back at seven AM... To say that we had an adventure today would be an understatement... WE HAD A MARATHON!!!
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