1) Just driving to the supermarket is a challenge, as there is a twenty minute delay due to ROAD CONSTRUCTION...
2) It's actually warm enough to RAIN
3) Fred Meyers starts selling their coolers for 175 dollars a pop, and you can hardly get from one end of the isle to the other due to the ungodly amount of tourists. "Ooooh, look kids, a real Alaskan experience.... FRED MEYERS!!!"
Did I mention the Loooooooooooooooooooong line of travel trailers and RV's that plague the fast lane? And when you try to pass, well, THEN they realize that they must be going a little on the slow side, and speed up.... yeah... it's summer alright! LOL...
BUT, it is nice to have some sun shine around here... the lack of ice and snow is a nice bonus too. So the last couple of weekends have been filled with camping excursions, hikes and BBQs. After all, what is summer for? We've only got three months of this stuff (that's 90 days... as the radio stations proudly report here) so we've got to live it up!
Before I get to that, got some BIG news... Jeremiah graduated!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so proud of him! He worked his butt off... Here are a few pictures from his graduation ceremony! And he got almost straight A's in the program! (okay, so he got a B, but still, he did awesome)
The Scholar....

The Graduate

Showing off his diploma (well, the case anyhow... he won't get the real one for a couple of weeks)

And now....
For our summer adventures so far....
First off, we took Katie and headed to the fire station to learn about the firemen, fire trucks, and what to do if there is a fire...

We met Fireman Pete, who showed us around... then we met the rest of the team

After that, we learned what to do when there is a fire, Fireman Pete showed
Katie how to stay low and get out of her room if there is a fire

Of course, summer wouldn't be official without, camping and outside fun
The guys made it out to Deep Creek for some camping...
Fishing opened up at midnight Friday, and can you guess where the guys were? YEP, you guessed it, hiking out with fishing poles in hand at 11pm. What goofs! Although, I heard that they had quite an adventure, although the fish seemed to evade them this time they saw a porcupine...
Katy has figured out how the perfect way to master eating a hot dog
Our home away from home
Becky and Katie Boogy down
Becky and I pose fior a Kodak moment
We of course had a camp fire... with s'mores.... (which get tastier and tastier every time)
I received an e-mail through myspace from Felicia who has recently been stationed at the Army base in Fairbanks, in this e-mail she asked me "Okay so how long do you think it will take for me to go insane because of living in a town were it is Christmas all year long?" Well, Felicia, here's your answer.... shouldn't be too long at this rate...
(Keith sports his snoopy Christmas PJ's )
And of course, we brought the zoo down with us... Kaiya spent most of the time playing
squeak toy to any strangers that got near her family, it was pretty funny! Lady got herself tangled pretty badly and Bubba was being as cuddly as always. Ofcourse, there was a my little michesvious Bear!

We also learned that Bear likes to dance... really, he's Dancing with the Stars next biggest thing!
Awww, love birds...
Miss Katy being cute (is she ever not?)
Now THIS is the Alaskan way to eat corn...

Our latest adventure was to the park, and what fun there was to be had! We took the path on down to the river and back, and then hung on the playground (never too old to slide!)

The Alaskan Shaws... well at least for a little while longer
Hubby savoring the sun....
I just couldn't resist this picture....
Keith also was savoring the sun

Becky pushing Katie on the swing (which she has a blast on!)
As she is swinging she will say "what's up fuzzy?" and then start cracking up...
Jeremiah tries to keep hold of the beasts! (Ours anyhow... they're a little excitable!)
Tire swing fun....

Katie "hanging" around hehe!
OH, Bear's decided that he's just too good for Dancing with the stars, and that the circus might be more his type....
For our summer adventures so far....
First off, we took Katie and headed to the fire station to learn about the firemen, fire trucks, and what to do if there is a fire...

We met Fireman Pete, who showed us around... then we met the rest of the team

After that, we learned what to do when there is a fire, Fireman Pete showed
Katie how to stay low and get out of her room if there is a fire

The guys made it out to Deep Creek for some camping...
Fishing opened up at midnight Friday, and can you guess where the guys were? YEP, you guessed it, hiking out with fishing poles in hand at 11pm. What goofs! Although, I heard that they had quite an adventure, although the fish seemed to evade them this time they saw a porcupine...
Katy has figured out how the perfect way to master eating a hot dog
And of course, we brought the zoo down with us... Kaiya spent most of the time playing
squeak toy to any strangers that got near her family, it was pretty funny! Lady got herself tangled pretty badly and Bubba was being as cuddly as always. Ofcourse, there was a my little michesvious Bear!
Our latest adventure was to the park, and what fun there was to be had! We took the path on down to the river and back, and then hung on the playground (never too old to slide!)

The Alaskan Shaws... well at least for a little while longer

Becky pushing Katie on the swing (which she has a blast on!)
As she is swinging she will say "what's up fuzzy?" and then start cracking up...

Get your own glitter and more at BlingyBlob.com
*GASP* The revival of the blog! lol CONGRATS JEREMIAH!!! What an accomplishment! Looks like you guys are enjoying that sultry summer up yonder. Does anyone really say "up yonder" besides my inlaws? I won't tell you that at 10 am today we were swimming in our pool and the water temp was 84 degrees. Nope. Definitely not telling you that while you are up yonder sizzling in the sun. ;0) Love you!
Loved looking @ all your pictures!!! :-) Congrats Jeremiah!
Miss you guys!
Love, Kally
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