Unfortunately the only fish that we caught that day... were on camera! (Turn down your sound, the water was really loud... and you have to watch real close, there are some really neat shots! The video is about 2 minutes long)
Katie taking a siesta with her daddy by the falls
There was a pool with salmon, resting, I imagine (I know I'd be if I had to leap up all those falls!) kind of where the water looks calmer you can see all those black "long" looking things, Salmon!

Combat Fishin'
(for those who have no clue what combat fishing is... it's when you have maybe five or so feet on either side of you to fish....and then whole bank is lined with folks as far as the eye can see!)
Miss Kaya
Katie's first time fishing, and boy, does she have some fish stories, she caught one every two minutes!!!
The guys getting the pole ready
(Keith opted to be Jeremiah's fishing coach that day.... and what a team they made, Jeremiah would cast, Keith would get the pole and try and get the line back from whatever it was tangled with!)

Our two wild beasts... you know I don't know how intelligent it was to go hiking where there have been quite a few bear sightings with a dog named bear...hehe

Lady... of the ferns!
Katie and Mommy fishin' (which she was OH SO EXCITED ABOUT) her daddy's taught her well!

Jeremiah fishing
Becky, Katie and I snuck away to find a better view of the falls.... and we most certainly did
Katie catching a ride, I think all of us were secretly wishing we were in her place, but I have to say, she was quite the trooper walking a long way for her size!
Not too worn out for a group shot or a smile! :D

Another shot from Becky Shaw
An Alaskan "weed"

I think we all felt this way when we got back to the car... Keith and Jeremiah barbecued some hot dogs.... I on the other hand, wanted to saw my feet off with a dull butter knife, but the rest of me was in awe at the perfect beauty that God has placed before us!
Combat Fishin'
(for those who have no clue what combat fishing is... it's when you have maybe five or so feet on either side of you to fish....and then whole bank is lined with folks as far as the eye can see!)
(Keith opted to be Jeremiah's fishing coach that day.... and what a team they made, Jeremiah would cast, Keith would get the pole and try and get the line back from whatever it was tangled with!)
Our two wild beasts... you know I don't know how intelligent it was to go hiking where there have been quite a few bear sightings with a dog named bear...hehe
Lady... of the ferns!
Jeremiah fishing
Another shot from Becky Shaw
I think we all felt this way when we got back to the car... Keith and Jeremiah barbecued some hot dogs.... I on the other hand, wanted to saw my feet off with a dull butter knife, but the rest of me was in awe at the perfect beauty that God has placed before us!
1 comment:
Hey what's up? You guys saw snow huh? cool stuff. I'm looking forward to the trip up there as well I can't wait to see ya.
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