Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Little Bit Of An Update…


I’ve gotten some complaints from folks about not blogging, I’m right in line with ya’ll, there’s not enough time in the day lol.  I apologize for not getting on here in a while.  So, here’s an update…

We’ll start in March :

As you all know, we have a handsome little  peach front conure named Galen, well in March hubby and  I traveled to Ft. Greely to pick up our newest (and last non-human) addition: Jasper (we re-named “her” Ginger).  She was three months old when we got her. Ginger is a Green Cheek Conure with a Cinnamon Mutation.  She is precious! Here are some of her first photos  

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It was really fun to go through the baby baby stage with her.  She’s so fuzzy and cute, but a bit nippy.

When we first got her, she couldn’t fly, she was scared of almost everything and just wanted to snuggle.  NOW she’s flying (a little haphazardly), eating more, still snuggly and not quite as nippy.  Here’s an updated photo of her, she’s 10 months old. (Her egg day is Nov. 11th 2010). IMG_9810 

I LOVE how her colors have brightened. 

You’re probably wondering how Galen is Reacting to this “new baby”… he tolerates her, they have air to air combat every once and a while.  Not to mention that they torture each other as siblings would.  No serious damage is done as of yet…IMG_9839

If the two conures are on the same thing, they are as far apart from one another as humanly possible. I do have to say that Ginger is MUCH quieter than Galen, though she has been picking up bad habits from Galen…what are siblings for?

Also in March, my husband and I celebrated Four Years of Marriage! I love my husband more than anything in the whole wide world and look forward to spending many many more years with him. IMG_6433

We spent our anniversary at the annual world ice art Championships:

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The fourth picture is how’d I describe my life sometimes hehe.  The last photo are the ice slides, Alaskan kids are  not lazy! (though the adults who stand at the top and take pictures are totally guilty!)

Now onto April:

Please see Previous Blog post LMBO!


May Brought the beginnings of summer. Jeremiah brought me to the gun range and I practiced shooting, which, I might add is an excellent source of de-stressing! The guys next to us had my attention as they brought an “old” tube TV to shoot up… my thought was  “how cool is that?” IMG_8635 IMG_8636 IMG_8638 IMG_8655 IMG_8646  IMG_8639

Santa Renamed his workshop, new logo and everything!


Or we have a lot of pot heads living in North Pole Alaska! (If you can’t see it clearly it’s Santa in a flying spaceship, the name is Screaming Weasel Gift Shop).


Brought lawns that needed to be mowed! Besides that, we had a surprise visit from Aunt Donna (Mom in laws sister) 


lucky guy!


Jeremiah got the green thump and planted a garden!


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This is going to be a BIG month! For starters, Mel, IMG_0280

Jeremiahs Grandfather on his dad’s side celebrated 99 years!!! How awesome is that??? He was born before Alaska was a state… it was referred to as  The Territory of Alaska.  I am SO excited to celebrate his 100th year next year! He is still lively, smart, and alert! I might add that he is a character, but one that is really really easy to love.  So congratulations to Mel of Fairbanks, Alaska for celebrating 99 years

of life.

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Okay, I got a little ahead of myself there, but,  before we celebrated Mel’s 99th birthday, Jeremiah and I *gasp* took a vacation to Valdez, Alaska. Jeremiah’s Parents have a charter there and “live” there during the summer.  Next to Kenai I LOVE this coastal town.

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This was the visibility coming up the ramp from the harbor…

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OMG, this woman, how? why? Never mind, I don’t think I want to know the answer to that question…

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This was a swan in Thompsons pass about forty minutes from Valdez (it was six am in the morning).  We were trying to kill time so as to not wake the in-laws at too ungodly of an hour.IMG_9743

This is Oscar (what generation, we’re not sure).  Oscar is the local otter turned celebrity who lives  in the harbor, sleeps in the rental canoes in the harbor and entertains tourists (including me) for hours! He was literally seven feet from me, no glass no nothing! I could hear the crunching from the muscle he was snaking on and see his teeth, it was the coolest thing EVER!

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Captain Westerlund (aka Dad in law)


I got five of the seven awards given to our district… though, I had just gotten out of the hospital, so I was gone with the wind due to the pain killers they gave me.


August came and went, fall officially started, it was hard to say goodbye to summer… but I’m thankful for the cooler temperatures.


Jeremiah led us to a great place to pick berries, blue berries, crow berries and cranberries.  Let me tell you, this comes second ONLY to picking black berries in west port California (there was no aunt waiting for us back at the house to make our freshly picked black berries into a black berry cobbler).  IMG_9279 IMG_9280 IMG_9288 IMG_9293 IMG_9298 IMG_9300 IMG_9302 IMG_9303 IMG_9312 IMG_9318 IMG_9324

And most currently:

We were messing around in the backyard:IMG_9609 IMG_9557 IMG_9559

You’re all caught up! Haha, I do miss blogging, so I will do my best to be on here more than once every six months….

Enjoy the fall:)


