Wednesday, July 18, 2007

One hell of a bad morning

Hi!! What's goin' on??? Not a lot here.... Just workin' and sleepin'... Adam, we miss you, it's quiet at our house (minus the dog and birds).

One of the advantages to being on night shift is that you get to hear about all of the weird stuff that goes on in the middle of the night, and if you're lucky you get pictures either with your camera or from a guest. Last night was one of those such nights. We had a gentleman by the name of Mike Brost inform us that a truck turning a corner at an intersection was going too fast and his truck carrying 40,000 pounds of salmon tipped over... Here are the pictures that Mr. Brost gave us... thank you, sir!!!

Something smells kinda fishy!

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You know what I'd do in this situation... QUIT and RUN LIKE HELL!!! before they had a chance to fire me!

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The yummy clean up begins, hey, don't drive through there with your vent on!

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Have a good night, and be thankful you're not that guy... good night from the Igloo Dwellerz

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