Sunday, July 12, 2009

Advice for the campers


Just an update, no photos... just plain boring text this time. Today is my hubby's birthday, he's twenty some (I'll give you a hint, it comes after 27 and no, it's not 29, it's before that lol). He wanted a nice quiet birthday camping. So we loaded the two mutts up, and headed out to Chena Lakes (this is our fav. spot in the Summer). Where we got the idea that it would be a nice quit trip with the dogs, I have no clue. We got there set up and went for a bike ride. Who would have guessed that we'd be in the middle of nowhere when my tummy lurched? Yeah, the odds! Into the woods we went, found a tree and a yellow jackets nest, we found the latter a little on the late side. Yep. Advice, never sit on a yellow jackets nest, not fun. However, I only got bit on the back of the leg, killed three, and we went on to have a very fun and always adventurous camping trip.

To My Jeremiah:

I love you, and I hope that you had a wonderful birthday. You're the perfect example of how getting older is only a mind set... stay young my angel. Did I mention that I love you already? Cuz I do:)

my jerbear!

As always, have a wonderful evening, and a great summer (fall is aproaching quickly!)


1 comment:

Kim Coreson said...

YIKES!! Sounds like an eventful trip!

Happy birthday Jeremiah!